Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This is the final Product! After hundreds of key frames....she is done!

T-Rexy time

I then placed an extremely simple environment through use of a big ol' sphere and a panel for the floor.

This is what the completed model looked like!

Finally, i placed different colored spot lights and keyframed them to rotate around....creating a rave!

The forces that bind him!

To make my trex look more fluid in motion...i bound the model to the skeleton. At first i did this with his skin only, but when i began to animate i couldnt figure out how to keep the glowsticks and necklace with the body. To solve this problem, i removed the bind on the skin and then re-bound it with the glowsticks included. This caused the glowsticks to follow the motion of the hands. Lookin good!

The glow necklace was a different story. It looked extremely rigid when i tried binding it to the model. To solve this problem....i made the dinosaur a passive object and the necklace an active object. Dynamics give the necklace a realistic look to it, causing it to rock back and forth while he dances. I am real glad with how that part came out!


after the skeleton i began to model my trex...

I gave him a Binky!

And glow sticks!

This is what the trex looked like when i had completely modeled his body; textures and all.

Enter... Tyrannosaurus Ex



Monday, March 22, 2010


I also placed a spot light off in the distance to make the finished version look a little less crappy.

Rendered version:

And deeper still...

The animation plops said fruits into the bowl. The orange and pear have bumpmaps on them to try and give them a more realistic look. it helps, but doesn't entirely work. I've yet to figure out how to give them a more realistic feel. Till then i shall stick with cartoony i suppose! The orange and bowl have downloaded textures stretched over them, which only show when they are rendered.

boy do i wish i were better at maya...